Hi Tom,

One of the ways I do it, is through Global variables (I know programmers
should not use Globals).  With a global array you can resize it inside on of
the handler routines.  This may not work as written, as I re-hashed some of
my current code to make it easier to read, but the basic concept is the

This is what I do for a ListBox:

1)  Make a selection, put it into a temporary table, pull out the required
column into a Global Array (gaszPickSiteName)

        Select SiteName from DCCMatches where SiteName > "" Group by
SiteName Order by SiteName into TT
        ReDim gaszPickSiteName(TableInfo(TT, TAB_INFO_NROWS))
        For snLoop = 1 to TableInfo(TT, TAB_INFO_NROWS)
                Fetch Rec snLoop From TT
                gaszPickSiteName(snLoop) = Str$(TT.SiteName)

2)  ListBox Control
        Control ListBox
        Width 50  Height 70
        Position 5, 35
        Calling UpdateSectorListBox

3)  Handler Routine

        Sub UpdateListBox()
        Dim snReadSelValue, snLoop, snCounter As SmallInt
        Dim szSiteName As String

'       *** Only 1 item at once, sorry
'       *** (returns 0 if no items selected).
'       *** Value returned is the same as ROWn from TT
        snReadSelValue = ReadControlValue(PICKSECTORLISTBOX)

        snCounter = 0
        If (snReadSelValue > 0) Then
                Fetch Rec snReadSelValue from TT
                szSiteName = TT.SiteName
                For snLoop = 1 to TableInfo(TT, TAB_INFO_NROWS)
                        Fetch Rec snLoop From TT
                        If Str$(TT.SiteName) <> szSiteName Then
                                snCounter = snCounter + 1
                                gaszPickSiteName(snLoop) = Str$(TT.SiteName)
                        End If

                ReDim gaszPickSiteName(snCounter)
                Alter Control PICKSECTORLISTBOX Title From Variable
                Close Table TMP
        End If
End Sub

Hope that this helps,

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Manson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2000 9:00 AM
To: 'MapInfo-L'
Subject: MI - MapBasic lists


I'm having a problem with MapBasic. Is it possible to create a drop-down
list within a dialog box of files currently open. From what I gather,
drop-down boxes (popupmenu) seem to be pretty static, and I can't seem to
find a way of making it list files 'on the fly'. If anyone could help me
with the code on this I'd be very appreciative. On a similar line, how can I
list what columns a file has?

Many thanks in advance,

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