(Sorry about the duplicate mail, appended "MI" to the subject line this

Hello all

I've been working on exporting a grid file  to a GPS using GarFile V1.0. The
process is roughly thus:

Create grid file in Lat/Long WGS 84 and export as a Mif/Mid file.
Open GarFile and export Mif file to the GPS.

Now the problem:

I can succesfully import a tracklog from the GPS as either points or
polylines, and display the resultant data as a table. The data projects
projects correclty.

Exporting a grid file resulted in Garfile returning an incorrect projection
error when I attempted to load the Grid.mif file.

I then compared  the two MIF files using a text editor. (Track.mif = file
imported from GPS, Grid.mif = file that failed to export) The headers
displayed as follows;

Version 300
Charset "WindowsLatin1"
Delimiter ","
CoordSys Earth Projection 1, 104

Version 300
Charset "WindowsLatin1"
Delimiter ","
CoordSys Earth Projection 1, 0

I then changed the Earth Projection value in the failed file to "104", saved
it, and bingo, it worked.  

I'd like to avoid having to edit .mif files in the future, and would like to
know just how to export a table with a projection of "104"


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