Proviewer allows you to select items, but it's true:  you cannot do much with it unless you have a browser open already for that TAB file.  Then the selected records will show up highlighted in the browser.  Proviewer is a decent viewer, but that's about it.  Tough to do any real analysis with it.  I find that I have to anticipate what my viewers will be using the thing with, then create workspaces with the appropriate maps and browsers already open.  They open the workspace, not a TAB by itself.
As far as instalation, it seemed to go alright.
I AM having a problem with the new Hotlink button in Proviewer.  I wanted to hotlink to some TIFF images, using Mapinfo to view the image.  It just seems easier to use Mapinfo's zoom and pan than some other viewer software. It works great in Pro 6.0, I just get a new mapper window to open.  But in Proviewer it causes a whole new session of Proviewer to launch, not just another mapper window to open.  Have you done any experimenting with this?
Bruce Dawson, PLS

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