>I have a student who will have to do a series of repititive commands
>on a set of similar workspaces. I do not want to go into Mapbasic
>programming do have the job done as I do not know that language (for
>the moment).
>I managed to save the series of commands that appear in the Mapbasic
>window using the Mapbasic/save tool as a text file (.txt).
>Unfortunately (and strangely), although one is given the possibility
>of saving, I cannot find a way of calling back that text file into the
>Mapbasic window to have them executed again on another workspace,
>except by opening the notepad and copy/pasting the text in the window.
>In fact I want to do the equivalent as (re-)running an excel (or word
>or access) macro.
>Does anyone have a solution?

Add these two lines to the beginning of the text file containing the
MapBasic statements you captured from the MapBasic window:

!Version 400

Set the version number to whatever version of MapInfo Professional you
are using.

Change the extension of the file to .WOR

Open it as a workspace to run it.

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