Hello everybody,

I've bored from opening Mapbasic window and writing "set map coordsys window frontwindow()"

and Loosing Info/Mesage Window

i write a utility and want to share with you,

Add this utilility to your startup.wor under Mapinfo installation directory as

Run application "c:\program files\mapinfo\professional\tools\mytools.mbx"

it adds 4 sub menu under "Options" menu of MI Pro

anyone who has not got MapBasic, I can send the MBX,

Also i'm wating for contribution for other essential functions...

Best Regards...


Here is the code

copy/paste and Compile the code

it is actully as simple as MI programmers cannot give time to add to the menu or include in MI Pro ...


include "mapbasic.def"

declare sub main

declare sub ShowInfoWin

declare sub SetCoordSys

declare sub ShowMBWin

declare sub ShowMsgWin


sub main

Alter menu id 5 add "(-"

Alter menu id 5 add "Set Coordinate System" calling SetCoordSys

Alter menu id 5 add "Find In&fo Window" calling ShowInfoWin

Alter menu id 5 add "Find M&essage Window" calling ShowMsgWin

Alter menu id 5 add "Fin&d Mapbasic Window" calling ShowMBWin


End sub


sub ShowInfoWin

set window 1008 position (1,1) show

End sub


sub SetCoordSys

if numwindows() then

if windowinfo(frontwindow(),3) = WIN_MAPPER then

set map coordsys window frontwindow()

end if

end if

End sub


sub ShowMBWin

set window 1002 position (1,3) show

End sub


sub ShowMsgWin

set window 1003 position (3,2) show

End sub

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