GPurnomo wrote:
> Could you kindly share any info on these two version - what was the
> difference(s)? Any significant enhancements?
> We are still using MapInfo 5.0 - Can we use mbx program created in the
> latest version with the earlier MapInfo, for example: mbx made in 5.5 to
> used in MI 5.0?

Hello from New Zealand

One way around the problem you describe is to open the *.mbx file in notepad
or similar. Most of it will look like rubbish. The first line will look
something like this:

!Version 550
!Charset WindowsLatin1

This tells MapInfo what version it was compiled in; in this example, version
5.5. You can change this to a previous number, ie. 4.5 or 5.0 then same the
file in notepad. Provided there are no commands from the later version
within the program this should run.

I have a program that will automate this.


Martin Erasmuson
MapData Sciences (NZ) Ltd.
Level 22 Grand Plimmer Tower
Cnr Boulcott Street & Gilmer Terrace
New Zealand
Phone: (64 4) 472 8188
Fax: (64 4) 472 8048

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