Hello Mappers:

I have some vector (say polylines) data that was saved using:

Non-Earth m, Bounds -1000000000, -1000000000, 1000000000, 10000000000. This was done since the PRJ file did not contain the appropriate projection parameters.

The coordinates of the nodes of the plines are grid coordinates in the Rectified Skew Orthomorphic (RSO) projection. Therefore, when the user clicks the mouse on a feature, the correct E & N is displayed.

The appropriate RSO projection parameters have been added to the PRJ file and now I wish to convert all of the existing data (in Non-Earth) to RSO.

When I simply change the projection to RSO the data gets all messed up. I am able to write some Map Basic code that programmatically extracts the E & N from each node and stores them into an ASCII file. I then import these coordinates into MI and generate lines from the points. I also could write some MB code to create the new tables.

Is there a simpler way of doing this? Perhaps without getting into MB programming at all. I am working in MapInfo 5.0 and MapBasic 4.1.2.



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