Hi All,
I am using MapXtreme (Java edition) to display some southern Sydney (Australian) street data.
We are hoping to use street data from the whole of Australia in the application, but I have a concern about how MapXtreme will handle it due to the huge amount of data, even though we will only want to load data in small areas.
Does anyone have any experience with using MapXtreme with very large datasets?
How does MapXtreme work in relation to displaying data. Does it cache all data from open tables (layers) in memory and work from this cached data, or does it search through the datafiles and only load the data required to display the current area?
My main concern will be speed of display. If we have a very large street level dataset covering the whole of Australia and display a suburb in Sydney at a scale of about 1:2500, will it be quick? What hardware specs would I need to get quick displays in the mentioned example?
Thanks!!! :)
Dennis Entriken