Hi Simon

Has your source table got any other columns with a full address with the
house number, road name, and road type.  If so, you can concatenate these
fields to match another source table.  You might have to do this for both

For example 
Alter Table "Council_house" ( add Address Char(25) ) Interactive
Update Council_house Set Address = LTrim$(house_no+" ")+LTrim$(road_name+"

Alter Table "AddressPoint" ( add Address Char(25) ) Interactive
Update AddressPoint Set Address = LTrim$(house_no+" ")+LTrim$(road_name+"

Then Geocode using the new column Address.  If you dont have any other data
with address info in your source table then disregard this.

This will not get rid of your original duplicate problem, however you can
use some SQL Selects to find the duplicates.

Maybe you could add X & Y columns after the Geocoding (add an offset value
eg X = X + .05), update those fields with coordinates, split your duplicate
address data into another table (you might have to do a select with a
count), make the duplicates un-mappable, and then use Create Points option
using the X & Y offset coordinates.

Good luck.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2000 3:57 AM
Subject: MI Geocoding query

I'm trying to geocode some data from a colleague which details the stock
of Council Houses.

The data is held in Excel format which i have opened in MapInfo and
saved as a Table.

The source table i am using to geocode from is AddressPoint (using the
postcode column).

The Council house dataset includes columns with the House number,
Street, Town, Postcode.

Problem - When i geocode (or just create points), MapInfo does not give
me the option to use a secondary column within the source table
(AddressPoint), such as house number, which i could use for the

Result - Where there is more than one property with the same postcode,
MapInfo generates a symbol for each, but places it at one point in the
Map Window, resulting in a laborious task moving them to the correct
place next to the AddressPoint object.

Does anybody know of any tricks that will enable me to get round this
problem?  I do not particularly want to manually move each symbol to the
correct place.  I have tried adding a new column to the Council dataset
with the UPRN from the AddressPoint (which i could then use), but this
fails as i am using the Postcode column from both the Council House and
AddressPoint datasets to populate the new column.  
Is the only solution to use products such as those sold by QAS or
Hopewiser?  If it is, then does anybody have an opinion on either of
them, or know of any other products that may be of use


Simon Hume

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