Title: Loading data into Oracle 8i for display in MapXtreme

Hi All,

I am trying to load some data into Oracle 8i to display in MapXtreme.

I downloaded MapInfo EasyLoader and used it to import a sample .TBA file which worked (gave no errors). I checked Oracle and there were tables created with rows in them!

Then I added the layer from Oracle 8i to a geoset in the MapXtreme (Java) Map Definition Manager which appeared to work, but the problem is that NO data appears. There are no error messages displayed! And it seems like it is not even trying to access the DB as it finishes it's so-called data load so quickly (less than a second).

I know this may be a bit hard to 'figger out' remotely, but has anyone got any clues or suggestions as to what may be the problem or how to fix the problem?

Also, has anyone out there got spatial object data in Oracle 8i that they are accessing via MapInfo MapXtreme (or Professional)?



Dennis Entriken

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