The question:

>Can ProViewer be integrated into and controlled by a VB program just like
MI Pro?
>What we have in mind is a VB program that launches an instance of ProViewer
and then successively opens workspaces in this instance of ProViewer via the
VB routine.
>I would like to hear any comments on similar experiences, and how it
resembles or differs from integrating a MI Pro instance into a VB program.
>Will sum.  Thanks in advance.

Got two replies:

Trey Pattillo: suggests to open ProViewer via the command line with the
workspace as a parameter ("C:\Program Files\...\MapInfor.exe
Patrick Phillips: suggests that I create the ProViewer object in VB as
MapInfo.Runtime instead of MapInfo.Application

I tested Patrick's suggestion with the following script in VB:

        Option Explicit
        Global ProViewer As Object

        Private Sub Form_Load()

                'Instantiate ProViewer
                Set ProViewer = CreateObject("MapInfo.Runtime")
       "Set Application Window " & Form1.hWnd
                ' Reparent next map window
       "Set Next Document Parent " & Form1.hWnd & "
Style 1"
       "Open Table ""D:\Bgr\Bgn_40\Que_RTS\Que_RTS""
       "Map From Que_RTS"

execute it, and get the following error message:  "MapInfo ProViewer does
not support integrated mapping", thereby establishing Trey's assertion.

I will therefore have to launch ProViewer from the command line.

Thanks Trey and Patrick for your help.

Claude Lavoie, a.g.
Service du soutien à la clientèle
Direction des technologies de l'information
Ministère des Transports du Québec
35, rue de Port-Royal Est, salle 5.00 a
Montréal (Québec)
H3L 3T1

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