From:   Percival, Mark 
> Sent: 10 October 2000 12:08
> Subject:      MI-L From lat/long to State Plane
> Mark,
> this has always been a problem.
> Here in the UK most people work with the Ordnance Survey of Great Britain
> projection but MI uses lat/lon as default.
> When updating columns with x and y coords I copy the following instruction
> to the mapbasic window and hey presto.
> Obviously you will have to change the projection and insert the names of
> your columns.
> Set Map CoordSys Earth Projection 8, 79, "m", -2, 49, 0.9996012717,
> 400000, -100000
> Update tablename Set columnname = CentroidX(obj)
> Update tablename Set columnname = CentroidY(obj)
> Hope that helps.
> Mark Percival
> Coventry City Council

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