Title: MI-L I need to translate NAD 83 coordinates into NAD 27 and/or visa-versa
Save a copy of the table and check NAD 27 in the Projection box as you save it.
John Haynes
Geodata Consultants, Inc.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2000 5:32 PM
Subject: MI-L I need to translate NAD 83 coordinates into NAD 27 and/or visa-versa

Hey all,
        I have Mapinfo flood zone and street data in NAD 27 coordinates, but I have Zip+4 centroid files in NAD 83 coordinates.  I need to be able to convert one into the other, preferably taking the Zip+4 data and converting it to NAD 27 because that involves the least amount of work.  Where can I get a program to convert the lat/long coordinates?  Can I get one for free?  How much would a program cost to buy?  etc. etc.  Thank you all for you help.


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