Thanks to all that replied. No, the DOS suggestions still did not work for some reason. I had tried most of them late last night before I sent the message. The /c option to close the DOS window after the command had no effect except I couldn't read the error, and passing a string to the Run Program command did not work either. I remember there was a quirk in the run program command once before that bugged me a long time ago, but its memory is thankfully gone. I did not try using quotes in the command, as by then the answer was to get out of my time warp and use API. Thanks to Trey and Martin for this suggestion, as well as all those who took the time to remember DOS commands. Trey's code was as follows and was adapted to work well. TYPE SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES nLength As Integer lpSecurityDescriptor As Integer bInheritHandle As Integer END TYPE Declare Function CreateDirectory Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateDirectoryA" (lpPathName As String, lpSecurityAttributes As SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) As Integer DIM Security AS SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES DIM x AS INTEGER DIM Trash AS STRING print chr$(12) Trash=gMigrationDir + gConfigDIR(i).Name x=CreateDirectory(Trash,Security) open file gMigrationDir + gConfigDIR(i).Name+"\test.txt" for output as #1 print #1, "TEST" close file #1 if fileexists(gMigrationDir + gConfigDIR(i).Name+"\test.txt")=false then print "not exists" end if R Robert Crossley Whats Here 10 Trinity Street Parramatta Park 4870 AUSTRALIA Ph 40314877 F 40314810 M 0419 718642 E [EMAIL PROTECTED] _______________________________________________________________________ List hosting provided by Directions Magazine | | To unsubscribe, send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put "unsubscribe MapInfo-L" in the message body.