
Don't get me wrong here
I went to www.amazon.com and searched for Visual Basic for Dummies and got
14 hits
I did this just to see if was really there.
The "dummies" series have always been easy to use and geared to the

THE BEST INFORMATION LOCATOR.................[no ads or jiva junk....just
the information]
www.alltheweb.com and use "the exact phrase" drop down and searched --
Visual Basic for Beginners
got back 264 documents in 0.245 seconds -- that's why the button says *FAST

Here's a one I checked [the return item #'s may vary]
#7 Visual Basic Online - http://www.codd.com/vb-mag/9604/begin/

News Groups
I happened to find
>> ANN: Latitude Longitude Database
>> http://www.css2.com/latlong.htm  2.8 million Lat/Lon worldwide database +
code samples

Checked it out and my Comment **  Neat Site and for $12 looks interesting
**   Trey Pattillo

Hope this helps spark a fire....................

Trey Pattillo


To ME or not to ME, that is the question.
For some it will be to Whistle
and indure the thorns and thistle.
For me it is not to ME, but to NT,
The OS for ME !

----- Original Message -----
From: Horner, Amanda
To: 'MapInfo-L Submit'
Sent: Wednesday, 14 February, 2001 19:36
Subject: MI-L Visual Basic

Can anyone recommend a good book or web sites for a beginner wanting to
learn VB.




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