
You can get the Windows hwnd handle for the MapInfo application window by
using the MB 'WindowInfo' function.  You can then pass this to the windows
API 'SetWindowPos' function to make sure it stays on top - the same function
will also allow you to switch the 'always on top' behaviour off again. You
could call this API from your MB or your Delphi code (in the latter case you
would need to pass the MI HWND to your Delphi app first).

If you have access to the web, a search on 'SetWindowPos AND Delphi' should
give you what you need to do it from your Delphi app.  I found a good
example at

Let me know if you don't have web access.

Richard Burkmar.

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Zyczynski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 06 March 2001 06:04
Subject: MI-L DELPHI: Forcing MI to be the front window from an EXE

Hi List,

I have a Delphi4 EXE which consists of a form and a button - sounds great
doesn't it!  :-)

When I press the button for the first time, MI starts up and an MBX is
executed.  On subsequent button presses the MBX runs in the already open MI

NOW - how do I force MI to be the front window on subsequent activations?

I tried this statement within the actual MBX but to no avail:
Set Window WIN_MAPINFO Front

Is there code I can add to the actual Delphi EXE that can force MI to be the
front window?  Or is there another way to do it within the MBX.

Here's my Delphi code:

procedure TForm1.btnRunMBXClick(Sender: TObject);
   oMI : variant;

   MYMBX = 'C:\MyApps\MYapp.MBX';
   MI_POPROGRAM = 'C:\Program Files\MapInfo\Professional\MapInfoW.exe';


      // Try to connect to an existing MI session.
      oMI := getActiveOLEobject('MapInfo.Application');
      // What code do I stick here to force the MI window
      // to become the front active window? ie. I don't want
      // this form as the front window.
      oMI.Do ('run application "' + MYMBX + '"');
      // Start a new session of MI.
      showMessage('Starting MI for the first time');
      WinExec(PChar(MI_POPROGRAM + ' ' + MYMBX), 1);


Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Peter Zyczynski
Analyst Programmer
Landfile Consultancy
Ph: (03) 6244-7344

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