
I have become very familiar with ArcIMS and MapExtreme - having evaluated each 
package at length and by talking to quite a few organizations using/attempting 
to use them.  It's been interesting to watch the evolution of traditional GIS 
Internet Map Server (IMS) technology over the last few years.   Anyone 
evaluating a traditional IMS solution needs to know that there is significant 
complexity and significant upfront costs (software, hardware, custom 
development, web development) and very significant downstream costs and 
resources (administration, software updates and maintainence, bandwidth) 
required to implement traditional IMS solutions.  My feeling is that the 
traditional IMS approach is only reasonable for organizations who absolutely 
have to implement a robust enterprise-wide GIS with extensive GIS 
functionality, have development and adminstrative staff on board,  can host and 
manage their own server and bandwidth, and are willing to make a significant 
ongoing investment.

It's just my opinion, but current IMS solutions seem to be technology for the 
sake of technology.  How many customers did traditional GIS vendors query 
before heading off on this development/product path?  Does putting a real map 
on a web site really have to be that complicated and expensive?   There may be 
a good fit for large government organizations and WalMart, but what about the 
rest of us who simply want to put an interactive map on our website with 
essential features that visitors to our site expect - simply and at a 
reasonable cost.

You may want to investigate at  You can 
use your own maps in native MapInfo (TAB) or Shape (SHP) formats directly.  
Using this approach it's reasonable to have real, interactive maps on your web 
site within a hour or so after signing up - with absolutely no investment in 
hardware, software, bandwidth, administration, maintainance, or web 

Blue Marble Geographics
"The Geographic Software Tool Company."

  >>  Hello,

  >>  I have noticed a thread asking for people's opinions on the two leading
  >>   products of the GIS market, namely MapInfo and ArcView.

  >>  Now I don't want to start a war between the ESRI camp and the MapInfo
  >>   camp, BUT we are looking into internet mapping, and I was wondering if
  >>   anyone had any experience with either of these or better yet, both.

  >>  I would primarily like to know how easy it is to jump into each of these
  >>   softwares if you have a thorough knowledge of both MapInfo and ArcView,
  >>   and HTML, with no knowledge of Java and all that fancy other stuff.

  >>  Basically, what I'm trying to say is, my supervisors asked me to look 
  >>   internet mapping.  So, this means, that *I* will end up doing the
  >>   internet mapping here, so I want to do it with the easiest software
  >>   possible, while at the same time looking like the hard working and
  >>   devoted employee I really am.

  >>  Oh, and there is one more thing I should add, we primarily use MapInfo
  >>   here, but we can turn our tab files into shp files, with little to no
  >>   worries at all.

  >>  Thanks in advance for any help, and sorry about the ensuing bloodbath 
  >>   may occur.

  >>  John.

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