
The DAT file is actually a DBF that can be opened in dBase, etc, by changing
the extension from DAT to DBF
I'd close the table, copy the TAB and NewName.TAB [Save File  old_filespec
As  new_filespec  [ Append  ] ]
then the same for the DAT and replace the extension.

Trey Pattillo


To ME or not to ME, that is the question.
For some it will be to Whistle
and indure the thorns and thistle.
For me it is not to ME, but to NT,
The OS for ME !

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Uffe Kousgaard
  Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 02:45
  Subject: MI-L: Commiting tables without map

  Hi Everybody

  Now it is my turn to ask a question to MI-L:

  I have a table, which is mappable. What is the most efficient and elegant
  way in MB to create a copy of it, but without the map-part ?

  Basically I want to avoid copying a very big MAP+ID file, which I may not
  need in the next step of my calculations, where I just need the TAB+DAT

  This is what I want, but it is too slow:
  Commit table "table1" as table2
  open table2
  drop map table2

  Other options include
  1) Export to DBF format and then register the DBF
  2) Temporarily rename the MAP+ID file of table1, before commiting
  3) Do a straight filecopy of table1.tab+table1.dat, but the tabular data
  could be in a whole different format (xls etc.)

  Isn't there a simple and elegant solution ?


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