Good morning, good evening, and for some good night.

A few months ago I posted a question asking if anyone knew how to make
MapInfo tool buttons.  The response was great however seemed to be quite
expensive and time consuming.  For this reason we at work started a search
on the net for tools that would create icons or buttons.  We came up with
the following tool That might be useful to some of you.

Resource Hacker:
 - has the ability to open existing *.dll files with buttons and replace or
add more
 - allows you to use 18 x 16 *.bmp files as buttons and saving the project
file as a *.dll
 - after creating the *.dll you can then call the file and buttons when
creating your button pad
 - great help files
 - Resource Hacker is equipped with many other functions as well

We also have some added resources, created in house, that we use to assist
with button creation.
 - template *.bmp files
 - Buttons_template.dll file (the program needs an original file to hack, so
to speak)
 - quick and easy training video

These extras and links will be posted on the NZ MapInfo site in the near

We use Resource Hacker now for most of our MapBasic Projects.  New buttons
that can be created in minutes are great.  

This product is freeware and the site is linked below.


Ethan Hohneck
GIS Operator
Waitakere City Council
Waitakere City
New Zealand

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