
Your not mad.....the mushroom eating C- coders in Redmond are :-)

And by the way your email is a bit ill, I sent this on Friday and got it
The last few mails have been returned with
> - These recipients of your message have been processed by the mail server:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Action: Failed; Status: 5.1.1 (bad destination
mailbox address)
>    Remote MTA mailserv.mags.com.ar: SMTP diagnostic: 550
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... User unknown

I don't test this so there may be &H at the start of the string that will
need to be removed first
[ sHex=mid$(sHex,3,length(sHex)) ]

convert the integer value to a 6 char hex string

sHex = Hex$(iColor)
while len(sHex)<6

then swap the 2 reds and 2 blues

sHex = right$(sHex,2)+mid$(sH,3,2)+left$(sHex,2)

convert the hex string back to integer

iColor = val(sHex)

Trey Pattillo


To ME or not to ME, that is the question.
For some it will be to Whistle
and indure the thorns and thistle.
For me it is not to ME, but to NT,
The OS for ME !

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Gerencia-Mags
  To: MapInfo-L
  Sent: Monday, May 07, 2001 02:44
  Subject: MI-L Visual and MI OLE (Color Problem)

  Dear List (and Trey Patillo of course !)

  I have the next problem:

  I have a VBsaic dialog in which I select diferents values including a =
  Color using the VBasic CommonDialog control to select a Color.

  I want to draw all lines in MI (via OLE of course) in that color =

  The problem is that the CommonDialog don't return excatly the RBG color =
  like MI needs.
  F.E for red return 255, when the RGB color for Red is 255 * 65536.

  In MapBasic the RGB color is: Red * 65536 + Green * 255 + Blue
  But in Visual Basic it seems is in the other hand: Blue * 65536 + Green =
  * 255 + Red

  Am I mad?

  Neither I found a way in V.Basic to obtein the Red, Green and Blue value =
  to calculate the RGB color.

  Any help please ?


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