Check out the software package sold by the University of Nottingham's
Department of Geomatics.  With a $150 Garmin 12, a laptop, and connecting
cable and their software, you can get sub-meter accuracy.  So they say.  My
guess is that it does work with post-processing.

Prof. Clifford J. Mugnier  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Surveying, Geodesy, & Photogrammetry
Department of Civil & Env. Engineering
2408 CEBA Building
Baton Rouge, Louisiana  70803
Voice & Facsimile: (225) 388-8536

Hey guys,

I know that this is kinda not MapInfo related but here it goes anyways. =
Does anyone out there have any experience differentially correcting GPS =
data from a mapping grade GPS such as a Garmin 12?? I have corrected =
data with Trimble Geo3 and XRSPro models countless times - but I am =
looking for a cheaper alternative.

Thanks in advance,

Chris Gallagher, M. Sc.
Head Geologist / GIS Analyst
Enviro-Tech Associates Inc. (Ottawa Branch)
2446 Bank St., Suite 464
Ottawa, ON
K1V 1A8
(613) 282-2400

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