I've been experimenting with a View Table created using a table of polygons
in MapInfo, and attributes linked to an Access database. There are 498
records in the polygon table and 66 records in the Access database. Thus the
View Table creates a  one to many relationship.

Opening a Browser Window on the View Table reveals that records are present
(66 records). However, interesting observations I've found are:

1) With the View Table Mapper Window open, clicking on a polygon with the
info tool will open up the info tool dialog box, but attributes are not

2) If I select a polygon from my View Table and choose Window > New Browser
Window, a new Browser Window opens containing the field names, but no
records are listed.

I then did some further investigation by moving the selection tool across
the Mapper Window. In some instances "InfoTips" picks up the attribute for a
record (in the first field), but for other objects of the same type, it does
not.  On records where "InfoTips" selects the first record, item #1 and # 2
then become false, and they work as normal. I suspect this is because of the
one to many relationship that is now in place.

Does anyone have any other interesting observations about View Tables, or
comments in general?



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