
I would be very interested in the number of users who are actually
represented by this list. I think from memory there are over 2000
subscribers. I would hazard a guess at an average of say, 50 users
represented by each MapInfo-L'er. That accounts for 100,000 users, and
that's a lot of opinions. That's my guesstimate; perhaps a HTML wizz could
set up an on-line survey.

I think it also needs to be remembered that these are the users at the cold
face of GIS. Not CEOs or CIOs or GMs who like to send their GIS departments
off to produce the eye-candy without knowing what work and processing goes
into those requests.

I think there needs to be a real re-think on fixing the existing rather than
adding more functionality which may or may not be useful to some. eg.
Packing a layer and having it removed from a map. If that didn't happen, it
could save up to half an hour in some cases (save workspace/ pack table /
close workspace / open workspace). Sure, now we can produce prism maps, but
it still takes twice as long as it should to produce a standard cartographic
product. Yes, some of the recent improvements are welcome (eg. better object
processing), but some are pretty ordinary.


Chris Perry
Corporate Systems CoOrdinator
Parks Victoria
Level 13 / 535 Bourke Street
Melbourne Vic 3000
Ph: 61 3 8627 4600
Fax: 61 3 9619 0700

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Saturday, 23 June 2001 7:55
To: PERRY Chris
Subject: MI-L MapInfo 6.5

>I recently saw some info about what's new in MI Pro 6.5 and I'm interested
>in the direction that MI is going. Don't you think its interesting that
>prism maps, new object types (multipoint and collection?) are more
>than some of the issues continually raised here on the group.

Sorry for the delay in responding. I've been on the road, one of our
brought this question to my attention.

I don't consider the user base that requests these other features as more
important than the MapInfo-L community, rather equally important.
I don't have the resources to do everything that everyone wants. I must

The main fact to keep in mind is that although MapInfo-L represents a large
and wonderfully vocal community of MapInfo Professional users, it is only
a subset and only one channel for user feedback. As much as we would love
to address all the issues raised on MapInfo-L, we must also keep our large
corporate customers, some of whom don't even know about MapInfo-L, happy.
They, and even other groups of users, are the ones requesting these other

I hope that we have included enough of the type of changes requested on
MapInfo-L such as invert selection, better object processing, and a longer
frequently-used-files list. If not, I hope I can continue to count on this
forum to let us know.

Thankful, as always,

Andrew Dressel
MapInfo Professional Product Manager

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