
Open a MapBasic Window (Options > Show Mapbasic Window).  Using your data
(or a copy of your data), perform a Combine operation.  Look in the
MapBasic window, and notice the combine command.  In particular, notice the
"data" clause in the Combine statement.  Now perform a buffer operation
(don't forget to revert the table, or undo the combine comand).  Notice
that the default Buffer command in the MapBasic window, as constructed by
the GUI, does not contain a "data" clause.  However, it CAN contain a
"data" clause, it just doesn't.  If you have MapBasic, you can look at the
help for the "Create Object As" command.

You will need to figure out what data clause you will need for your buffer
operation.  Playing around with different combinations in the Combine
operation may help.  Then you can construct your own Buffer command with a
data clause.  You can type the Buffer command into the MapBasic window (or
copy and paste from other Buffer and Combine operations), and execute it.
Or, if you have MapBasic, you can write a MapBasic program.

Adding data options to the GUI for Buffering is a feature under
consideration for future versions of MapInfo.

Derek Snyder
MapInfo Corporation

 From:     Frank Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 08/06/2001 11:54 
           AM MST                                                 
 To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]                      
 Subject:  MI-L update buffer attributes - help!!                 

Hello All,

Need some advise from the experts!

I am creating 3/4 mile buffers around delivery routes
(line features, all in the same table) and need to
update these buffers with attributes from the delivery
routes (route name, driver, start time...).

I've tried everything I can come up with.  If I use a
spatial join (route entirely within buffer) because of
the buffer size more than one route falls inside... I
was also hoping that MI created the buffers "in order"
so I added a column with "rowid" and tried to join the
buffer to the line this way... no luck, appears to
create the buffers at random.

I have hundreds of these routes and the thought of
having to save each route to a separate table, buffer
and update attributes and then append everything all
the buffers together... weeks of work.

Creating the buffers is straightforward, how to join
these buffered objects to the source and update the
buffer table with the source attributes...  I'm lost

I would be grateful for any help the gurus on the list
can offer!!


Frank Ross

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