Hi all
Could someone please help me out with some code for opening an Access =
database & extracting a dbf table. I have tried the MapBasic window while =
performing the ODBC connection in MI but the code that is placed in it =
doesn't seem to work when used in a MB priogram.
I want to open an Access database (called TJSDATA) and extract a DBF file =
(called STAND). The Stand.dbf will normally have about 10 fields in it but =
I only want to have 3 fields in mine (eg FIELD1, FIELD2,FIELD3).
At the end of the code I want to be able to save the changes I have made =
to the STAND.DBF back into the Access database and then close the ODBC =
link. I have all the in between code working but can't get the initial =
code to open & close via ODBC. Would really appreciate some help here. =
Have search the list database for sample code but haven't located any that =
would work for me. I am running MI & MB 6.5

The DSN would already exist. In my case it would be called BP-primary.dsn

Hope somebody can spare the time to help out with a piece of sample code


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