>I have a tab delimited text file which has the
>coordinates of Start (X,Y) and End (X,Y) and attribute
>of each line as "lat_st long_st lat_end long_end
>Can anybody help me out how to create Individual Lines
>from the Start (X,Y) and End (X,Y) in Mapinfo or
>Arcview The Coordinate Units I have in the file are
>are Decimal Degrees.
>I remember there is a script in Arc view pnt2poly. But
>not sure.
>Is there any method in MapInfo to do this?

Something appears to have gone wrong with this message
and the reply from Dr Ruslan Rainis that has caused
multiple postings, but I didn't see an answer to the
MapInfo part of the question, so here's one:

Yes, this is easy to do in MapInfo Professional.

First, open the file directly via 'File>Open'

Second, make it mapable via
  'Table>Maintenance>Table Structure'

Third, in the MapBasic window
  ('Options>Show MapBasic Window')
  type 'Update your_table_name Set Obj =
        CreateLine(x1, y1, x2, y2)'

Forth, display the newly created lines via
  'Window>New Map Window'

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