Here is a bit of code I use to solve this problem:
No warranties, of course !

' **************************************************************************
'       A couple of utility functions to make MapBasic Life easier.
'       dcOpenTable( Path, Name ) -- opens a table if it's not already open
'       dcCheckOrCreateColumn ( Table, ColName, ColType ) -- create a column
if it doesn't exist
'       Designed to be linked to your program.
'       Include "dctabl.def" in your main routine to define the functions.

include "mapbasic.def"

Include "c:\projects\bes pfp\pfptools\dctabl.def"
' ======================================================================
'       dcIsTableOpen
' ======================================================================

Function dcIsTableOpen(ByVal sTableName as String) as Logical
Dim     l as Logical

        OnError goto NotOpen
        l = TableInfo(sTableName, TAB_INFO_READONLY)
        OnError Goto 0
        dcIsTableOpen = TRUE
        Exit Function
        OnError goto 0
        dcIsTableOpen = FALSE
        Exit Function

End Function

' ======================================================================
'       dcOpenTable
'               Path                    The file path, not including table
'                                       of the physical location of the
table in case
'                                       it needs to be opened.  If the table
is already
'                                       open there is no promise that it
came from this
'                                       location.
'               Name                    The name of the *.TAB file.
'               Alias                   The Alias used to open the file.
' ======================================================================
Function dcOpenTable(sPathName As String,  ByVal sTabName as String, ByVal
sAlias as String) As Logical
Dim     Username as String
  OnError Goto NotOpen
  Dim l As Logical

'       print "Request is: " + sPathName + sTabname + " as " + sAlias
  l = TableInfo(sAlias, TAB_INFO_READONLY)

  dcOpenTable = TRUE
  Exit Function
  OnError goto NoTable
  If Right$(sPathName, 1) <> "\" then
        sPathName = sPathName + "\"
  End If
  UserName = sPathName + sTabName
'       print "Trying to open " + Username + " as " + sAlias
  Open Table Username as sAlias
  OnError goto 0
  sPathName = PathToDirectory$(UserName)
  dcOpenTable = TRUE
  Exit Function 
'       print "Not open..."
  dcOpenTable = FALSE
  Resume OpenTable
'       print "Unable to open..."
  UserName = FileOpenDLG(sPathName, sTabName, "TAB", "Please locate table: "
+ sAlias + " (" + sPathName + sTabname + ")" )
  If Username = "" Then
        dcOpenTable = FALSE
        Exit Function
        Resume DlgName
  End If
End Function
' ======================================================================
' ======================================================================
Function dcIsColumnThere(ByVal sTabName as String, sColName as String) as
Dim NumCols as Integer
Dim LoopCount as Integer
Dim ColQuery as String
Dim ColName as String

        dcIsColumnThere = FALSE
        '       See if the column name exists...
        NumCols = TableInfo (sTabName, TAB_INFO_NCOLS)

        For LoopCount = 1 to NumCols
                ColQuery = "Col" + LTrim$(str$(LoopCount))
                ColName = ColumnInfo(sTabname, ColQuery, COL_INFO_NAME)
                If ColName = sColName then
                        dcIsColumnThere = TRUE
                        Exit Function
                End IF                  


End Function
' ======================================================================
'       dcCheckOrCreateColumn
'               TableName               The alias of the table containing
the column
'               ColName         The name of the column to check for
'               ColType         The data type if the column needs to be
'       Assumes the table is open...
'       Further, does not check to see that the data type matches if the
'               already exists.
' ======================================================================
Function dcCheckOrCreateColumn( ByVal sTabName as string, ByVal sColname as
string, ByVal SColType as String ) as Logical
Dim     AlterTableText as String

        If NOT dcIsColumnThere (sTabName, sColname) Then
        '       The column name does not exist.
                Commit Table sTabName
                AlterTableText = "Alter Table " + sTabname + " (Add " +
sColname + " " + sColType + ")"
                Run Command AlterTableText
        End If
        dcCheckorCreateColumn = TRUE
End Function
============ here's the content of dctabl.def ==================
Declare Function dcOpenTable(sPathName as String, ByVal sTabName As String,
ByVal sAlias as String) As Logical
Declare Function dcCheckOrCreateColumn( ByVal sTabname as String, ByVal
sColname as string, ByVal sColType as string) as Logical
Declare Function dcIsTableOpen(ByVal sTable as String) as Logical
Declare Function dcIsColumnThere(ByVal sTable as String, sColName as String)
as Logical


-----Original Message-----
From: joe baragar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2001 11:32 AM
Subject: MI-L Table Info

Hello all,
Can anyone assist me in finding a way in Mapbasic to determine if a specific

column exists by name within a table? What I want to do is determine if a 
column (Can_ID)is present in the table, if it is not I want to create it. 
Then I will populate it.
I'm working with multiple tables from multiple sources. Some of which have 
the Can_ID column, others do not. But it is required.

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