Dear all,

following the tragic events of yesterday when so many lost their lives or
were injured and so many families have lost love ones, I read with
tremendous pride the messages from all the MI community across the world.

If only all life's problems could be solved using a list similar to ours,
this sometimes terrible world might be a better place to live in and the
incomprehensible way in which we humans sometimes act towards each other
might be improved.

I think I speak for the whole world MI community in saying our deepest and
sincerest sympathies and prayers (whatever religion) go to the people of the
United States especially those directly involved in this tragedy.

I include a list of the countries which have posted (so far 10:30 GMT)
messages of condolences which illustrates the feelings we all have:

Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Cuba, Czech
Republic, Denmark, France, India, Israel, Netherlands, Spain, Ukraine,
United Kingdom

May your God go with you.

Mark Percival
Membership Secretary
MapInfo User Group UK

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