From: "Michelle Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm writing an app with MapX and need some projection/coordsys =
> assistance.  I'm borrowing code from a program that was written on a Mac =
> and that creates map objects onto an image.  Hence, the coordinate =
> system used throughout the code is the usual graphic system where the =
> top left corner represents the origin (as opposed to the bottom left for =
> normal maps).  As such, my map is plotting upside down. =20
> Some of the maths in the original code is hideous, and I really don't =
> want to have to go through and convert it!  Far easier (I thought) to =
> force MapX to have the origin of the map in the top left corner.  (so =
> that northings (Y) increase as you head 'south')

Have you thought about applying an affine transformation to the layer's
coordinate system?   You have to set *some* sort of coordinate system
for the layer, so you could stick

Affine Units *U* 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, *HT*

on to the end of the coordinate system clause (where you fill in *U* with
the map coordinate units, and *HT* with the "world" height of the map


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