How could one retrieve the dimensions (main axes) of an ellipse object?

If I use the MBR to obtain these values, they are noticeably larger that
those given by the object info double click. Ex, object double click:
0.015812 - 0.015884 (radius*2) and from the MBR: 0,01708 - 0,01717 (height
and width of rectangle). The ellipse is clearly smaller than the oversized
MBR on the map

MI 6.0 with a non projected map.

With a MTM projection, the differences are less visible click: 1.9298 -
1.9354    MBR: 1.930 - 1.935.

Is it that the non-projection and the ellipse do not cohabit correctly?

Jacques Paris
MapInfo/MapBasic support

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