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Hi again,

I have been getting a ton of responses to my original question unfortunately
none of them quite work. The problem is the Street_Name column is character,
and under that column there are 50,000 different line segments some of which
are called "1", with no spaces or any other characters. Others include 11,
301, 918, Main, Pine, etc...

Basically I need my query to look only at the first character in that column
and select it only if it is a "1" and is not followed by any other
characters. Not sure if this can be done or not but I appreciate all the
help I have been getting, thanks again.


-----Original Message-----
From: Morrier, Steve [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2001 10:04 AM
Subject: MI-L In String Selection

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Hi All,

Is there a way to select only the character "1" (not number)from a string
without getting every address with "1" in it?

I am using Select from Street_table where InStr(1, Street_name, "1") > 0 
This gives me everything with "1" in it, ie. 1,12,15,121,413,531, etc....
How can I just select those with the single character "1"



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