
Una alternativa es:
1-Determinar con el SearchInfo que objeto seleccionaste. (para eso tenes =
que hacer tu propia herramienta Info)
2-Hacer una select <campos que queres que aparezcan en la ventana =
Info>... Into TMP
3-Hacer Set Window WindowID(1008) Table TMP Rec 1


Otra alternativa puede ser: (no la pude probar)
Hacer un Reproject. El browse tiene que mostrarte solo las columnas que =
estan listadas en el Reproject. Imagino que la ventana de Info tambien.


----- Original Message -----=20
From: Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2001 2:16 AM
Subject: MI-L=20

> Hi all. I need you to help me.
> I'd want to know if I need to install MapInfo software when I programm =
> an aplication in Visual Basic using the posibilities we have =
programming =3D
> MapInfo aplication in Visual basic.
> For example I do an aplication in Visual Basic, I do a GIS, and I =3D
> prepare Install of my Visual Basic Aplication in Visual Basic, my =3D
> question is the next, when I install my Aplication I need Mapinfo =3D
> Instalation in my PC.
> Best regards Robert
> =
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