I have been able to generalize the observation I offered yesterday to your
scrutiny. When a buttonpad contains a button calling for a menu specific
item (specific = map, browser, graph...), the status of that button
(enable/disable depending on the type of window that is active) is reflected
on the custom buttons in specific conditions.

The order implied is the order of the buttons as they are in the create
buttonpad statement. I make the difference between a custom button with its
own handler and a specific button calling directly an item from one of MI
specific menus.

The behavior of buttons seems to be ruled by two simple statements:

1 - custom buttons preceding the first specific button remain unaffected by
its changes

2 - a specific button will affect all custom buttons following it until
there is a separator or a different specific button.

One can use these simple rules to build intelligent buttonpads, in that
sense that custom procedures that would apply to a specific window type does
not have to check first if the front window is of the right type if the
calling button is placed after any specific button for that type of window
type. One would also know how to "protect" custom buttons from the influence
of specific ones by placing them ahead or after a separator.

Can anyone confirm/infirm/complement this message?

Jacques Paris
MapInfo/MapBasic support  http://www.paris-pc-gis.com

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