My first answer did not address the problem correctly; my apologies for
having misread the question. Paul Crisp's answer made me realized my mistake
and at the same time showed me that there are different ways to answer it
depending on what you want in the end:

a/ label-turned-into-text objects to be stored in a different table from the
one that served for labelling (and labels could be based on different

b/ strings of text objects stored in a tabular form in the same table as
those objects

My answer addressed specifically the b/ issue and cannot be applied to
labels that do not exist as real objects.

Paul's solution does not generate any object and can be used to update a
column with the expression that has served to fill in the labels; it could
be used in specific circumstances: all objects are labelled, all labels come
from the same layer and the labelling expression is "calculated" (= calling
on a combination of several columns or using a modified part of one)
otherwise the text is already there in the column that served for labelling.

Before speculating further, I think a better specification of the problem is

Jacques Paris
MapInfo/MapBasic support

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Wolfgang
Sent: December 19, 2001 05:04
Subject: MI-L labels to text


I try to change labels to text objects without using labeler.mbx.
How can I grap labels in MapBasic and how can I insert those
objects to a new table?

Best regards

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