Latitude relates to climate "...Changes in Latitudes, Changes in
Attitudes..."  Also, same root as "lateral."

--- Begin Message ---
LATitude is fLAT, works best for me... LONGitude is long is fine once you
remember which is flat (horizontal)

I also remember horizontal is the one that is like the horizon.

And Port and Left have the same number of letters.

And with mapinfo x and y, i have to remember it's NOT the way i learned it:
the X axis as i learned it is along the horizontal and thus would be

-----Original Message-----
From: Bendall,A EPO [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 3:38 AM
To: John Haynes; [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Subject: MI-L POSH

I've heard of a way to remember Port & Starboard (for me).

Starboard derives from a Scandinavian word for steering board.
Most people are right-handed, so tend to steer or row on the right side   
of their bodies.
Imagine yourself rowing with one paddle. Which side is it on?
Hence starboard is to the right.

Can anybody help me visualise (=remember) the difference between lat &   

From:   John Haynes [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]


Your "maybe" is probably a "probably".  No can do good longitude before   
invent a portable time piece.

Latitude was the more accurate until they were able to make a chronometer
that went "tick-tock" instead of "tock-tick".

However, my chronic failure to differentiate between the two recently
resulted in my shipping over a million records with the X and Y reversed

Reminded me of the story about the old Sea Captain who was seen by his   
Mate to open a locked drawer each morning, remove and study a small piece   
paper, return it and lock the drawer.  When the Captain died during a sea
voyage, one of the first things the Mate did was take the Captain's key   
open the drawer.

The paper read, "Port is Left.   Starboard is Right".

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