Ryan Morgan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just wanted to direct your attention to a really good bunch of aerial
> photographers, Aerials Express.  Their stuff is orthorectified so well, any

You getting paid to advertise them? If so, you need to put "ADV" in
the subject line. "Hot tip" might do, though... it tripped my SPEWS
(SPam Early Warning System.) This ad is more subtle than most but it
sure looks like UCE to me. You joined MapInfo-L at 6:10 PM, launched
this, and unsubscribed a half hour later. You even use a spammer
email address: "asu3dvl," and the domain of att.net is also
well-known as spammer heaven. 

But then again, GIS people need to know about data sources,
commercial and otherwise, so okay, I won't quibble too much. But I
will take anyone to task who feels free to take advantage of an open
and focused advertising channel trying to pull a fast one without
ever contributing to the commonwealth. Post advertisements as
advertisements and be willing to pay the fee! None of this "hit and
run" stuff. 

- Bill Thoen
GISnet, 1401 Walnut St., Suite C, Boulder, CO  80302
tel: 303-786-9961, fax: 303-443-4856
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.gisnet.com

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