Hi David, and the list.

This is completely off topic but it is a question that has puzzled me
for some time.

Of all postings to this list, the ones from you, David, has unique
1 they appear always unread
2 they cannot be deleted when read as other messages, but has to be
deleted from the header's list

I am using Netscape 4.78 as mail client and I wonder if somebody else
has seen this happen?
I'm sure there is nothing the matter on your side, David, and do
continue posting as you do, but I'm intrigued enough by this riddle to
finally bring myself to investigate the phenomenon further.

Regards, Mats.E
:Email/ [EMAIL PROTECTED]                     ICQ#9517386       :
:Mail/ GISKRAFT, Mats Elfstroem, Vaepplingv 21, SE-227 38 LUND, SWEDEN:
:Phones: +46 46 145959, +46 70 595 3935                               :

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