Thanks to Bill Thoen!
That's it, exactly what I was after!

Opening the file for binary input, and then using Get to read one character
at a time has solved my problem.

I found that using Line Input reads only up to the first instance of a CR
character, and thus impossible to test for it's presence.  However my text
file has records which may contain 2 or 3 or 4 imbedded CRs before the
ACTUAL end of line.

Hence the need to read one character at a time, its imperative I
differentiate between a single CR, and a CR+LF.

Here's the code just in case anyone's interested:

Sub ReplaceCRwithComma

  s1 as string *1, s2 as string

Define LF Chr$(10)  'Line feed
Define CR Chr$(13)  'Carriage return
Define QT Chr$(34)  'Double quote

Open File "MyInput.TXT" For binary Access Read as #1
Open File "MyOutput.TXT" For output as #2

  Get #1,,s1
  if eof(1) then
    exit do
  end if

  If s1 = CR then
    'Read the next character and test if its a Line Feed.
    'If it is, then this is a legitimate end of line.
    Get #1,,s1
      If s1 = LF then
        Print #2, s2
        s2 = ""
        'Replace the Carriage Return with a comma.
        s2 = s2 + "," + s1
      end if
    s2 = s2 + s1
  end if


Close File #1
Close File #2

End Sub

Thanks to everyone else who responded too.

Peter Zyczynski
Ph:  (03) 6244-7344
Fax: (03) 6244-7028

-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Thoen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, 23 April 2002 1:09 AM
Subject: Re: MI-L MBX - text file reading

Open the file as binary and you could read it one character at a
time with
get #1,,c

where #1 is the file handle and c is declared as string*1. Although
this is simple, it's VERY slow. If your files are big, then you
should read in bigger chunks, parsing them for the string
chr$(12)+chr$(10)+"" and assembling the lines that way. When you get
to a spot when the end of the file is too close to read a whole
chunk (e.g. string*255), then revert to the one-char-at-a-time

- Bill Thoen
GISnet, 1401 Walnut St., Suite C, Boulder, CO  80302
tel: 303-786-9961, fax: 303-443-4856

Peter Zyczynski wrote:
> Hi all,
> Can any of you budding programmers out there tell me if its
> possible to read a text file one character at a time, as
> opposed to a whole line at a time?
> My text file has occurrences of the carriage return
> character (which doesn't necessarily represent an end of
> line), as well as carriage accompanied by a line feed
> character (these represent end of line)
> I need to test for a carriage return with an accompanying
> line feed.  MBX thinks that a single CR is end of line - my
> nemesis!
> Thanks,
> Peter Zyczynski
> Insight.GIS
> Australia
> Ph:  (03) 6244-7344
> Fax: (03) 6244-7028

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