Hi All,

I am trying to write a little If..Then statement that first checks if a
table is open, then runs a query on the table. The problem I am having is
when no records are selected. What is the syntax for saying something along
the lines of;

If No records selected then
 resume next  --- or---- continue

If IsTableOpen("Street_City") Then
Select * from Street_City where Len(Primary) > 20 into Selection



browse * from Selection    

Note "The Primary Name is more than 20 Characters" + chr$(13) + chr$(13) +
"Please Use a New Primary"
gsOpenTab = "Street_city" 
 end if

Exit Sub 

I am just running a query to alert the user if the data in a column is not
in the correct format. If nothing is selected how can I just continue with
the program?? 



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