When are IT and Business managers going to learn.
IT is there to SUPPORT the business, they are NOT THE BUSINESS.

All to often I hear of IT managers making decisions, that make their life
easier, but adversely affect the business. 

Having an entire organisation on the same o/s makes IT's life much easer,
however if groups within the business cant do there job effectively its the
wrong decision.

This goes for software too. running one version behind makes IT's life
easier, but is running the latest software gives the business a competitive
advantage, you need to be there. 

Having everybody use exactly the same computer is an excellent idea if
everyone in your business dose exactly the same job........  That's
certainly not the case in my industry.

Not paying maintainece/support on software makes this years IT budget's
bottom line look a lot better, however what does it really cost in the long

We do pay maintenance and I have received MI7. 
After some inhouse testing, it will be rolled out. 

AngloGold Australia Limited
Level 13, St Martins Tower
44 St Georges Terrace

Telephone (08) 94254649
Fax (08) 94254663


-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Adams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, 15 July 2002 12:51 PM
Subject: MI-L Show of hands - MI 7.0 users.

Hi all,

PLEASE HELP. I need to put a together case based on your feedback
in a bid to overturn our IT policy.

We have been using MI since Ver 2.1 in 1993, primarily in road
safety for a large Australian police agency.

In the old days we enjoyed premium MI support services, hotline
support, immediate upgrades....the works.

In 1999 our organization 'corporatised' MapInfo, adding the product
into its IT administration and policies.

Whilst we celebrated the adoption of MI GIS across the organization,
little did we realize the specialist MI areas would actually
suffer a significant backward downgrade in performance, functionality
and support.

As a result, we lost our premium MI support services, no more
hotline support.

No more automatic upgrades; we are running TWO versions behind
the current 7.0 now shipping. There is a policy  that states
we should stay one version behind current release to avoid new
bugs and possible system crashes. But our systems are crashing
anyway due to IT policy and a smaller unstable o/s.

We were directed to abandon our stable Windows NT platform and
downgrade all our projects to the 16bit unstable and obsolete

We lost printer connectivity on our LAN for volume colour copier
prints and forced to use a smaller light duty colour printer.
Our old large format printer is deemed to be of the 'Jurassic'
era, unable to obtain an upgrade.

So here we are today, struggling with virtually no corporate
support. There are some tools in MI 7.0 that we need desperately!

Our corporate policy forbids any use of CURRENT version applications.

I need your help....

Q. Is your organization using MI 7.0 on many PC's? Does your
co. have a policy on upgrades that prevents your specialist GIS
users from exploiting the very latest in MI GIS innovation?

Kind regards

Ian Adams
MI 6.0 - Win98se (yuck!)


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