i'm sure this has been covered before, but probly not to my precise
i would like to know if there is a (relatively easy) way to set up mapinfo
to pass the data of something which has been clicked on in the map window to
MS Access.
this is more than likely not going to be an ongoing application, just
something which i would like to do right now for the sake of avoiding the
need to switch apps, click a spot, select the data, copy the data, switch to
access, select the destination, then paste the data, repeat until dead.  i
have around 7000 points (hopefully a max of 1000 or so which require this)
and once it's done it's done.
if this can be implemented solely through VB/Access then that would be good
as i don't have mapbasic.  i can do some integrated mapping if that's
required, it's just i don't want to spend too long designing the interface
and stuff seeing it's a once off thing.
i figure if it can't be done directly with the mapinfo window, then a custom
tool would be necessary, and if that's the case then would it be possible to
see an example so i can hit the ground running.
this is my theory...
run mapinfo as window in access
load workspace
make relevant table selectable
pan zoom doo daa
if custom tool.click then
    collect data from selected object
    send data to recordset.id
    do other stuff
end if
i have enough ability to run mapinfo within access and can figure out the
loading of tables and stuff, but i don't have much experience with tools,
all i've needed to do so far is pan and zoom, so i would basically just need
an outline of how to define and use a custom tool.

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