You can edit the mapinfo.prj file in a text editor, which is located in
your Mapinfo program directory.  Before you edit, save a copy of your
current prj file just in case you make an error. The Mapinfo manual
describes how to write the parameters in the new projection line.

Hope that helps a little.


"Morrier, Steve" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 10/02/2002 11:46:52 AM

Subject:    MI-L BC albers Projection

Hello all,

Does anyone know the proper format to use to include the BC Albers in
MapInfo projection file? I am importing and E00 and the projection is not
available as a choice.

The projection is Albers Equal Area Conic, with parameters of :

Central meridian: -126.0 (126:00:00 West longitude)
Latitude of projection origin: 45.0 (45:00:00 North latitude)
First standard parallel: 50.0 (50:00:00 North latitude)
Second standard parallel: 58.5 (58:30:00 North latitude)
False easting: 1000000.0 (one million metres)
False northing: 0.0
The datum is NAD83, based on the GRS80 ellipsoid.


Projection    ALBERS
Datum         NAD83
Units         METERS
Xshift        0.0000000000
Yshift        0.0000000000

 50  0  0.000 /* 1st standard parallel
 58 30  0.000 /* 2nd standard parallel
 -126  0  0.000 /* central meridian
 45  0  0.000 /* latitude of projection's origin
1000000.00000 /* false easting (meters)
0.00000 /* false northing (meters)

In MapInfo.prj file there is.....

"--- North American Coordinate Systems ---"
"Albers Equal-Area Conic (North America)", 9, 62, 7, -96, 23, 20, 60, 0, 0

How do I add this projection to MapInfo?? Thanks in advance.


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