Thanks to everyone that has offered there suggestion for this problem. It was fairly 
simple, as I have found out.  I have basically used the code:

file_name = PathToTableName$(szOpenTable)
 name = file_name + ""

I have found that this works, for the most part.  Thankfully, this is completely 
internal, so I should have to worry about paths and all.  The only problem I
have now at this time are two things...

I am trying to use the new table name (name) to fetch records from, using:
For nIndex = 3 to 102
  Fetch Rec nIndex From "name"
  lat = name.COL2

However, it gives me the error "Unrecognized command: ..  .  This only happens when 
these lines are read, I can comment them out and no problems.  I have seen
this before, any ideas?

Also, when trying to commit table "name" it is giving me a table called name, not the 
real file name that I make sure I am doing it right, I put a
"note name" line, and it is the proper file.  Hmm?

Thanks again for all the help!!
LTJG Kevin Slover, NOAA
GIS Specialist/Oceanographer
NOAA/TPC/TSB/Storm Surge Unit
11691 SW 17th Street
Miami FL  33165

W (305) 229-4456

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