Try this in a MapBasic application:

Include "MapBasic.def"

Declare Sub Main
Declare Sub WinChangedHandler
Declare Sub EndProg

Dim     mnNumRowsCosmetic As Integer

Sub Main
        Alter Menu ID 4
                "End TestAutoSelect"
                        Calling EndProg
End Sub

Sub EndProg
        End Program
End Sub

Sub WinChangedHandler
Dim     szCosmetic As String,
        nNumRows, nWID As Integer
        nWID = CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_WIN)
        If WindowINfo(nWID, WIN_INFO_TYPE) <> WIN_MAPPER Then
                Exit Sub
        End If 
        szCosmetic      = WindowInfo(nWID, WIN_INFO_TABLE)
        nNumRows        = TableInfo(szCosmetic, TAB_INFO_NROWS)
        If nNumRows > mnNumRowsCosmetic Then
                Select * From szCosmetic
                        Where ROWID = nNumRows
                mnNumRowsCosmetic = nNumRows
        End If
End Sub

Peter Horsbøll Møller
GIS Developer
Rugårdsvej 55
DK 5000 Odense C

Tel       +45 6313 5013
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Mobil     +45 2270 4308
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Simmonds, Ashley (PTB)
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 7:52 AM
> To: 'Mapinfo List (E-mail)'
> Subject: MI-L Selecting last created object
> heya,
> when the user does a create point (on the cosmetic layer) how
> do i get MI to automatically select that point?
> gramercy
> ash.

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