
Thanks for quick responses from Mark Clute, Trammell,
Nathaniel A.    Tim.Nuteson, Charles Kane on my first
question. It works good to use Chr$(13) to separate
the rows in the label.

For my second question, it seems like I made a wrong
description, what I really mean is how can I highlight
or differentiate the records that exceed the regulated
criteria in the label? I hope it will be looks like

Benzene: 0.02(highlight with red color)
Ethylbenzene: 0.03
Toluene: 0.4
Xylenes: 11  (hightlight with yellow color)

Can anybody suggest me how to do this?

Many thanks

My original question:

Hello, lists:

Can anybody give me some advices on labeling (my
special case)?

I got a table which include 8 columns, the first one
is BHID, the second to eighth are concentration for
different contaminants. i.e

BHID Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene Xylene
 1    0.02      0.03         0.4    11

What I want to do now is instead of creating maps for
different contaminants, I would like to include all
the contaminants information on one map. I tried this
1. created a new column which include all the
contaminants (i.e Benzene: 0.02 Ethylbenzene: 0.03
Toluene: 0.4 Xylene: 11)
2. label the new column

1. It seemed work, but it is in one row, can I have it
in different rows, which will look better?

2. since some concentration records for contaminants
were above than the criteria, Can anybody suggest me a
way to highlight those records in MAPINFO?

Thanks a lot and will sum!

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