Greetings list,

I am having trouble trying to extract the selections of a MultiListBox control

        I am calling the following from the OKButton Handler

        Sub OKHandler

                w = ReadControlValue(1) 'this is the MultiListCox control ID
                Print UserSelection(w)

                Do While (w > 0)
                        Print UserSelection(w)
                        w = ReadControlValue(1)

        End Sub

In the above code w allways returns Zero as the value for the first item sellected no 
matter whether one or more items are sellected. I thought Zero was returned when all 
selections had been read.

How do I get w to return the correct value of the first selected item.

I have read the Mapbasic manuals and searched the Mapinfo Knowledge base
(all they tell you is that you need to do subsequent reads of the control to return 
the vale of each selection in turn)

What am I doing wrong, any help or code snippets would be appreciated


Peter Doyle
Infrastructure Services
Mobile Network Services, Qld
Geographical Information Systems & Mapping
+61 7  38871128

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