My best guess would be that this source file hasn't been recompiled wiht the
new definition of the MAPPER_LAYERS_INFO type :

Have you tried recompiling your D:\MapBasic\Code_Others.MB ?

Peter Horsbøll Møller
GIS Developer
COWI A/S - Geografisk Information & IT
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nash, Jeff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 12:42 AM
> Subject: MI-L "Incompatible Definition" in MB Project
> Hi All,
> Has anyone experienced this?
> I have a MB Project.
> In a .def file is a variable that is defined as follows:
>    LayerNameA(9) as String
>    LayerNameB(9) as String
>    LayerNameC(9) as String
> End Type
> Global MyLayers as MAPPER_LAYERS_INFO
> I use this global variable throughout my project.  Recently I 
> changed it from a 3 Arrays of 9 strings to 3 Arrays of 10 
> strings.  All of my Modules compile fine.  
> BUT when I try and Link the project it returns "Errors Found". 
> The error message is:
> "Incompatible definition of Global MyLayers in 
> D:\MapBasic\Code_Functions.MBO" "Incompatible definition of 
> Global MyLayers in D:\MapBasic\Code_Others.MBO"
> Has Anyone seen these errors before?  Does anyone know where 
> I should look?
> Thanks for any info

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