And if you need to find the other spacial location you can use the
LocateFile$(fFileType) in the MapBasic window.

Replace nFileType with one of the following values:
0       MapInfo Preference file (MapInfow.pfr)
1       MapInfos default workspace (MapInfow.wor)
2       MapInfos colour file (MapInfow.clr)
3       MapInfos line style file (MapInfow.pen)
4       MapInfos 3.0 Symbols file (MapInfow.fnt)
5       MapInfos abbreviation file (
6       MapInfos projection file (MapInfow.prj)
7       MapInfos abbreviation file (MapInfow.mnu)
8       Directory with custom symbols
9       Directory with theme templates
10      Directory with graph templates

So if you need to know where your custom symbols are located simply write
this into you MapBasic window followed by Enter:

Print  LocateFile$(8)

and MapInfo will print the location in the message window.

Please note that LocateFile$() only works in MapInfo 6.5 or 7.0


Peter Horsbøll Møller
GIS Developer
COWI A/S - Geografisk Information & IT
Rugårdsvej 55
DK 5000 Odense C

Tel       +45 6313 5013
Direct    +45 6313 5008
Mobil     +45 2270 4308
Fax       +45 6313 5090    

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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ben Crane [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 11:35 AM
> To: Chong, Austin
> Subject: RE: MI-L Custom Symbol profile location
> Austin,
> For MI6.5 it's:
> C:\WINNT\Profiles\######\Application
> Data\MapInfo\MapInfo\Professional\650\CustSymb\
> Where ###### is either your username (if network
> login) or a local id name (if local login)
> Hope this helps
> Ben
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