To me it look sorted in the right order if you have in mind that the values
are strings/text and not dates.

<if you need them to be sorted by way the appear in the year you might
consider using these values in stead:

1st month 1999
2nd month 1999
3rd month 1999

In this way MapInfo will use the first letter in the text to sort by.

Peter Horsbøll Møller
GIS Developer
COWI A/S - Geografisk Information & IT
Rugårdsvej 55
DK 5000 Odense C

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> -----Original Message-----
> From: James Lee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 11:37 PM
> Subject: MI-L Thematic Map LEGEND not in ascending or descending order
> Dear all lister,
> I have created a thematic map from these lists of fields 
> (June 2002, May 
> 1999, Nov 1998, Nov 2000 and October 2000) based on 100 records. 
> Unfortunately, the legend does not appear to be in a 
> descending or ascending 
> order.
> Ascending order: June 2002, May 1999, Nov 1998, Nov 2000 and 
> Oct 2000. Descending order: Oct 2000, Nov 2000, Nov 1998, May 
> 1999 and June 2002
> Notice how its not actually sort out properly... Ideally, it 
> should be Ascending order: June 2002, Nov 2000, Oct 2000, May 
> 1999 and Nov 1998
> Can anyone offer me a piece of advice or tips on this issues 
> that I am 
> having here??? It may be a small problem but I've got a 
> presentation to do 
> so I really can't afford to have these sorts of errors in the 
> thematic maps...
> Thanks alot...
> James
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