MapInfo's SQL isn't as robust as we'd like, so I think you'll
have to do this in two passes. First select data1,data2
intersections into a table, then the data1, data3 intersections,
and combine the results. 

- Bill Thoen
GISnet, 1401 Walnut St., Suite C, Boulder, CO  80302
tel: 303-786-9961, fax: 303-443-4856

Couch Nicola wrote:
> Hi,
> Have just started using the SQL Select function and can't seem to get round
> the following problem:
> I have three tables, data1 (polygons), data2 (polylines) and data3
> (polylines).
> I need to find out where data2 and data3 intersect with data1, and I'm
> trying to get the results into one result table.
> I can find where data1 and data2 intersect and where data1 and data3
> intersect by using the following (which examples data2):
> Select Columns:  *
> >From tables:  data1,data2
> Where Condition:  data1.obj intersects data2.obj
> this works fine, but I cannot produce a list showing where data1 intersects
> with data2 OR with data 3.  This is how I've been structuring it:
> Select Columns:  *
> >From tables:  data1,data2,data3
> Where Condition:  data1.obj intersects data2.obj or data1.obj intersects
> data3.obj
> When I verify, it says the syntax is correct but when I run the query it
> comes up with:
> 'No join specified between tables data1 and data2.  Invalid join condition
> in WHERE clause'
> Am I trying to do something that just isn't possible with one table, or am I
> missing something really obvious?
> Cheers,
> Nicola

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